Master Class
Class: | Master Class Voice |
Tutor: | Franz Lukasovsky |
Dates: | 11.09. - 20.09.2017 |
Start time: | 09:00 |
Registration fee: | €139 |
Course fee: | €556 |
Franz Lukasovsky

Master of Arts
Professor Emeritus at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Institute for Voice and Music Theatre
Born on November 8, 1940 in Vienna
Began music education at the age of five
Member of The Vienna Boys’ Choir from 1948 to 1954
1958 Austrian equivalent to A-level from the Bundesrealgymnasium on Albertgasse in the eighth district of Vienna
Started studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (music education, Lieder and oratorio, master’s degree course)
Started studies at the University of Vienna (German language and literature, history, musicology)
1962 University-level teacher training in music for academic secondary schools (grammar schools)
1964 State Examination (teaching qualification) in Voice
1967 Diploma in Voice
1967 Diploma with distinction in Lieder and Oratorio
1967 First teaching assignment at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Since 1964 participant in numerous concerts of early, classical, romantic and contemporary music
Member of “Musica Antiqua Vienna”
Period of collaboration with Josef Mertin, René Clemencic, Bernhard Klebel, Gerhard Kramer, Peter Keuschnig and others
1973 First “Teatro alla scala di Milano” prize at the SIMC (“Società Italiana di Musica Contemporanea”) International Contemporary Music Competition
SIMC (“Società Italiana di Musica Contamporanea”) prize for the best interpretation of a contemporary work
1973 Opera debut in Siena (Giovanni Gazzaniga: “Il convitato di pietra”)
1973 Opera debut in Vienna (Giuseppe Sarti: “Fra i due litiganti il terzo gode”)
1974 First concerts in Japan (J. S. Bach: St. Matthew and St. John Passions)
1974-75 Opera debut in Germany at Gelsenkirchen (Johann Strauss: “Die Fledermaus” in the role of Alfred)
Since 1974 various guest appearances in concert halls and theatres throughout Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Austria
Performing engagements in tandem with continued teaching of voice development at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (parental leave from 1974 to 1976)
1976 Director of a voice class at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
1980 Appointed extraordinary professor
at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
1983 Assumed a new voice teaching position
at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
1984 Appointed full Professor of Voice at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
1986-1991 Deputy Head of Department
1986-1994 Head of the Voice Department Study Commission
Since 1994 Re-appointed Deputy Head of Department
1998-2002 Head of Voice and Music Theatre Department at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
From April-October, 2002 Chairman of the new Institute for Voice and Music Theatre,
thereafter returning to teaching of his own volition
Since 1998 Faculty member of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, member of the university faculty thereafter
Since 2002 Member of the Senate of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Professor emeritus as of October 2009
2009 Awarded the Gold Medal of Merit by the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
2002 Awarded the Gold Medal of Merit by the “Wiener Musikseminar” for outstanding service to the organisation
2010 Awarded the Grand Silver Decoration for Merit to the Republic of Austria for service to art and vocal pedagogy
2000-2008 Founding member and founding president of EVTA-Austria (European Voice Teachers Association, formerly the Federation of Austrian Voice Teachers)
Juror for national and international competitions
Workshops in China, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Thailand, the Czech Republic, Vietnam and Austria
Languages: German, English, Italian